Weather Updates
Distance limits
for viewing wildlife.
Dog Limits:
Fines can be up to $10,000 for harming wildlife.
No Fishing:
Within the estuary or off shore wildlife nurseries.
"State and Federal Regulations"

Beginner Friendly Rentals
WaterTrek's Jenner Kayaks
Open January 24-27, 2025
Cold Temp Closure: January 28 - February 6
Open Thur - Mon with no rain and temps above 55.
State Park Interpretation Since 1987
Guided Russian River Tours Since 1999
The Original Jenner Kayaks:
Wildlife Adventure Rentals Since 2005
Russian River Estuary
River and Ocean
Wildlife Nursery
Sharing the Best Ways to Explore
the Marine Protected Area
within the Tidal Estuary
"Your Tourism Activities Fund
Education, Research and Paid Internships"
Thank you for your support!
Activities throughout the year...
Hours and days can change per weather
Gift Certificates by Email
Winter Sale: A Local Favorite
Repeat Paddler Pass: 10 hrs: $175
Can bring a friend or two
Must be used over 2 or more visits
If not used within 1 year, call to extend
We want you to enjoy your investment
Reservations Required
Train to Hire: Certify for Lifeguard / Kayak Safety / Assist or Lead Guide
Best times to train and certify for Summer work are Fall through Spring.
Life Opens Up: Breathe Freely On The Water
Heavily Visited Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Area.
Staff Shortages and Staff over the age of 60. Staff may use Masks During Viral Surges.
We want to stay open
and to keep having fun
with you.

Be Nice To Our Equipment:
Return all gear and equipment as Received
A little wet and sandy is fine.
Damage & Loss Fees:
You pay our cost to replace
(Wholesale + Shipping):
Don't lose gear or parts:
Our gear and boats are upgraded and more expensive than what you find at kiddy beaches. They are kinder to your body and better for handling dynamic conditions.
Don't break our equipment:
No Digging with Paddles:
Step on foot areas of boats: Not on breakable seat backs or hulls.
Use side and end handles to move boats: Not the breakable stowage straps.
Don't burn, melt or damage our boats or gear.
Excess Cleaning Fee:
No Trash, Tobacco, Food Waste, or Excess Mud:
Per boat $20
Remove everything from our outerwear pockets.
Boats: We expect a little sand, but please don't bring back chunks of the beach and avoid tidal mudflats.
Use State Park Trash and Recycle Bins: Next to the kayak launch, to dispose of your own waste.
Help us keep our rates reasonable by caring for our equipment as if it were your own.
If we had an hourly rate it would be in line with similar professional outfitters...
$30 an hour midweek
$35 on Summer weekends and holidays. Some outfitters prorate extra time instead of providing discounts.
Multi-Hour Discounts: Are already built into our rates.
We can't cut the "Island Loop" in half so we don't suggest a one hour activity.

Resuming Evening
Full Moon
Night Bioluminescent
As soon as we are again
fully staffed.
CPR, First Aid, Water Rescue
Renew your certifications
to be part of a fun community education and recreational safety team.
Fees Covered with Seasonal or Annual Employment Agreement.
Competitive Pay
We Reward Your Experience!

WaterTrek's Jenner Kayaks
The original Jenner Kayaks since 2005
Specializing in Community Education
for the
Managed Recreation Area
At the Russian River and Sonoma Coast Wildlife Nursery
Open January 16-20
Rental Rates
No Shuttle Required
Multiple Hour and Midweek Discounts Shown in Prices
We add 30 minutes prior to your "water time" for all rentals:
Our permit is community education based.
We have set schedules and space limits: Your reserved Check-In Time is to be ready for a Scheduled Safety Review and Launch. Please come early for parking.
If You're Late: You may need to wait for the earliest opening in a later safety review and end up with alternate seating. We can't delay the next group reserved for your boats after your reserved return time.
Meet Times: Quick Payment and Outfitting for four medium households or one large group:
Every hour midweek and every 1/2 hour Friday-Sunday.
Safety Reviews: At our Launch: Begin 15 minutes after Reserved Meet Times.
Estuary Safety Review with Mini Kayak Lesson
Wildlife Interpretation : Where and How to View
Free Outfitting: Including use of dry bag and thin water resistant Outerwear
All participants must have swimming skills
Liability Waivers Required
See "Park Safety and Wildlife Viewing Limitations"
A Wildlife Nursery and Managed Recreation Area.
Goat Rock Beach: Danger: One of the Deadliest Ocean Beaches in California.
Goat Rock Beach & River Mouth Currents are "Not" Wading or Paddling Friendly!
We share the easy and best ways to view the wildlife.
The Tidal Estuary: Protected from most ocean conditions.
Commonly Calm and Beginner Friendly. Avoid occasional wind.
The Restricted Area for Wildlife to feed, mate, birth and rear their young is the same as the restricted area for human safety: Do Not Enter their River Mouth Resting Area or disturb Marine Mammals or Birds resting on land or feeding or mating in the water.
Sharing the Best Ways to View
Wildlife in the Estuary since 1987
Senior and Military Discounts
Children Under 12: Half Price
Children 3 to 5: One per adult: Free
Dogs: Must be wildlife friendly + $10
Dogs are not allowed on: Goat Rock or Driftwood Beaches per vital wildlife nursery habitat.
The estuary island is also restricted seasonally per bird nesting.
Do not bring pets that would bark at or chase wildlife.
This is a wildlife nursery and fines can be as high as $10,000 for harrassing wildlife.
Gift Certificates: Printable by Email
Repeat Paddler Pass: $175
10 hours: Good for yourself and bring a friend.
Call for Details
Jenner By the Sea: Estuary Loop / Park & Paddle!
No Shuttle Required: 2-6 hours of paddling with wildlife, exploring the island and walking coastal beaches. Wildlife include seals and their pups along with a wealth of bird species including raptors. Sea birds are seen daily especially in their protected resting area. River Otter, are often present with occasional sightings of Fox, Bobcat, Mink and Muskrat. Seasonal trends and fish runs also bring Sea Lions, Whales, dolphins, pelagic birds and both Brown and American White Pelicans.
Rates Are Per Person:
Adult Seating Rates are listed.
Rates are the same for adults whether you are taking a Double or two Singles.
Families with smaller children must use Double Kayaks or one of our Canoes.
Ask about discounts: Families with children, seniors, schools, youth groups, military, emergency service, and hospital staff.
Water Time: 2 Hrs
Total: 2.5 Hrs
Single: $55
Double: $110
Weekends and Holidays:*
Single: $60
Double: $120
Water Time: 4 Hrs
Total: 4.5 Hrs
Single: $75
Double: $150
Weekends and Holidays:*
Single: $80
Double: $160
Water Time: 5-8 Hrs
Total: Full Day: "Not recommended Fall through Spring"
(Not recommended without a shuttle do to chances of afternoon wind on a twisting river. Shuttles must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance and must happen first thing in the morning. We are not shuttling when short staffed.)
Single: $ 95
Double: $190
Weekends and Holidays:*
Single: $100
Double: $200
Useful Items To Bring:
Wide brimmed hat or cap
Layering and water friendly shoes
Small waterproof day pack or use our drybags
Water & snacks
Waterproof camera
GPS (Handy for Geocaching)
Professional Outfitters
at other Locations
Kayak Healdsburg
Kayak Lake Sonoma
Kayak Sausalito
Kayak Napa

Cancellation Policy
Don't Show Up If You Feel Sick, Have A Cough, Runny Nose, Or Fever.
Any of our staff becoming ill can result in cancelling "All Activities for Everyone"
Avoid Full Price Cancellation Fees: Please Call Immediately.
Cancel Within: Rentals 24 hours / Discount Tours 48 hours / Private Tours 1 Week
Missed the deadline? We can hold it as a prepayment to reserve again for a later date, or provide proof of illness or emergency situation that resulted in your not being able to cancel in time.

Main Rules : Pay Attention, Be Nice, and Have Fun!
Park Rules: Covered during safety review
Wildlife Love a Dynamic Environment
Great conditions can exist any month even during Fall through Spring school breaks. Being local nature geeks, certified in water safety, we track what to expect and open for good weather and water conditions throughout the year. Our school field research is generally mid September through Early November
Understanding Wind Direction: It may be calm here and windy upstream or the opposite for NW winds. Many days are calm. August into October are normally very calm months at our location.
Coastal Fog in the forecast? Rarely do we remain fogged in and it often remains offshore at our location. Expect any to burn off quickly and to become calm warm overcast with full sun possible midday. "Morning Fog" may be in regional forecasts, but we tuck in on the coast and with a major river influence. We have very few truly foggy days. It may however be foggy in Bodega Bay or Fort Ross.
Winter into Spring Tule Fog: An inland phenomenon: Our coastline is generally warmer and sunnier than inland locations during these events. Our coastline temps never drop as low as they do inland. Mornings are often sunnier, warmer and more pleasant on the coast than inland, Winter into Spring.
Estuary Currents: Calmer than upstream: Fall into Spring estuary currents increase during and after seasonal rains and may remain a few days after each significant rain event. Repeat rain events may keep currents swift for a few weeks. Early Fall the river mouth may close periodically until rain fed currents help keep the river mouth open. If you feel a tidal current, you are too close to the river mouth. Surface wind can occasionally be strong and is more important concerning paddling effort, outside of river mouth currents. River currents are always stronger in shallower upstream reaches when Summer dams are not in place, and currents may remain swift when the tidal estuary is calm.
Beach Walkers: Stay Back From Ocean Waves
Do Not Approach Deadly River Mouth or Ocean Currents
Protected Habitat
"Feeding and Disturbing Wildlife Prohibited"
"Stay Back" at least 150 feet from Wildlife Resting On Land, or Feeding or Mating in the Water:
We share the best locations and ways to view local wildlife prior to your launch.
You are not in trouble if they follow you around on the water. Say "Hi"!
Estuary Forecast: 01/24/25
Wear winter layers. Shed layers mid-day
Free dry bag and thin outerwear use
No "Act of Nature" Cancellation Fees
Winter into Spring: We close for:
Most Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Daily High Temps below 55, true rain, strong winds,
strong currents, or "no advanced reservations". Please call a day prior.
Reserve Early for the Winter Holiday Break
Forecast: Beginner Friendly Rental Start Times
The estuary has returned to calm conditions especially with an incoming tide. Currents upstream remain hazardously swift. Next rain expected Feb 2nd, 4th and 5th.
Jan 24: High temps in high 50s: Rentals Open
Jan 25-27: Temps drop Sat with sprinkles overnight. Layer up. We are open this weekend. Call to reserve.
Jan 28-Feb 6: Cold Temp Closure
Feb 7-9: Open if no rain and temp highs above 55.
Feb 13-17: Open if no rain and temp highs above 55.
Feb 20-24: Open if no rain and temps highs above 55.
Check back for our updates.
If Watertreks is not open, it's probably not safe to go: Our water rescue staff close activities for conditions that are likely to require a rescue for beginning or easy kayaking skills, and to avoid hypothermia.
Kayak Rentals Resume for: Dry Temps above 55, River level below 8 feet or 3000 CFS ( As measured at the Guerneville river gauge). Guided: With an incoming estuary tide at 9 feet.
See our safety page for apps to track local conditions.
No Forecast correctly covers all aspects : We use 4 apps.
Forecasts can and do change. No one can be held responsible for full forecast accuracy.
Reserve Early
Reservations Required
"No act of nature cancellation fees".
Walk Up Reservations: May experience wait times. We individually prep each kayak, and manage a tight reservation flow. Safety Review space is limited. The times may be fully booked for when you hoped to go, especially if you are bringing a group.
We suggest 48 hours in advance and earlier for large groups and holidays.
Schools, Scouts and Youth Groups often reserve months in advance.
Call: 9 AM - 5 PM Thursday-Monday
Short Staffed: You may need to leave a message during peak hours.
Jenner: Very Limited Internet and Cell Service
Rural Land Line: No Texts: Leave a voice message anytime.
Rental Start Times
Our ideal schedule, when the weather cooperates
Days and Hours can be affected by weather:
See our forecast updates for our current schedule
Tuesdays and Wednesdays:
We try to staff for great weather and holidays: (Often Closed)
Rental Starts : 10 AM - 1 PM
Fri - Sun: Staffed 9AM - 4PM
Mon - Thur: "Reserve Staff" a day in advance
(Closed if no advanced reservations)